Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Xerox Project

I originally got this idea from my passion for the ocean. I had brought down my scuba mask from home to take on spring break with me, so I had the idea of making a human-type octopus in between my surrounding sea posters, giving the scans a little context. I scanned a different bracelet on each arm, and moved my tattoo up to the center of each palm since the bracelets were covering a permanent part of me. I also used a crown that I made for my sorority's bid night last year. 

What I found interesting was that my roommate told me it reminded her of Kali, a Hindu goddess. When I researched her I realized my arms, jewelry and crown looked very much like it resembled her. I thought it was cool when Prof. Echeverry told me I may have subconsciously done this because I was her in another life. It's amazing what can happen when I try and get creative!


Gina- Very cute idea! I liked how she used the scans to actually make something she can use in the future. Even though it would be a little weird to wear on a normal night out, it is stylish in her own way because it reflects extremely well who she is. Maybe it could make this years halloween costume!

Andrea- I also liked Andreas in that she can wear her scans and use the shirt in the future. My favorite part were her lip scans, sort of reminding me of the rolling stones logo. I would have like to see more scans on the shirt, there was a lot more space and she had some really cool ideas!

Bryan- I really liked how creepy he made the toilet look. Even though I couldn't tell what that the eyes were actually eyes and the toilet was actually a toilet at first, it had an interesting concept. I would have liked to see a connection between the eyes and the toilet..did he have an uncovered idea that no one new about/could see?

Holly- Her overall idea and representation of her good and bad sides of college was awesome. It was interesting how she had money scanned in the middle because it was a mix of both. 

Spencer- Really cool, complex idea. There was so much to it and I loved the sign language stating "when one door closes, another opens." The fact that his scans were actually on a physical door made it in perfect context.

Kyle- I loved how his hat had a the Boston logo on the front, making it seem like an actual Boston hat when the scan he used was of his tattoo. It was an interesting thing to put in the middle to base all of his other body parts around. Even though the hat was small, I liked the hat idea because it can be used as some type of costume in the future (like Gina and Andrea's).

Marvin- This was an awesome African mask! It's cool that he related it to his background of African decent; it made his piece personalized and meaningful. I also loved how the hands reached out at different angles to make a design.

Ralph- Awesome! It's funny how we were just talking about "rotten fruit," and it was so cool how he made his project based around Easter (because it is Easter time). What made it even better was the fact that he hung them all from the tree, putting it in the "rotten fruit" context. Congrats on the art show!!!

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